Darnell Williams, Vice President

Beginnings - A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Darnell grew up in a single parent home. With an incredible support system, lots of determination and the grace of God, he was able to push beyond the pains of his childhood and pursue God's plan for his life. Dr. Darnell accepted Christ at 16 years old and began ministry at 19.

Ministry - He was ordained to the gospel ministry to gospel in 1992. Currently, he serves as Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies at North Central University, Minneapolis. He along with his wife served for 29 years as lead pastors. He holds an ordination credential with the Assemblies of God.

Education – He holds an earned Doctor of Ministry with the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, MO.

Leadership – Dr. Darnell served as the Secretary-Treasurer of the International Ministry Network (German District) of the Assemblies of God (2014-2020); General Presbyter of the Assemblies of God (2014 - current); Executive Treasurer (2012 - 2017) and Vice President of the National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God (2017 - current). He was elected to serves as an Executive Presbyter at the 58th General Council (2019-2023).

Serving in the capacity of Bishop, Williams provides oversight to a relational gathering of churches and para-church ministries.

Community – Dr. Darnell has served as a member of the Rhodes State College University Foundation Board (2015-2022). Also, he serves as a Trustee for Evangel University (2016-2022). He served as the President of Judah Enterprises, non-profit ministry that provides outreach to families facing food insecurities and ministering compassion to those in need. Likewise, he has served as Chaplain for Lima Memorial health systems and the Lima Police Department.

Works – Dr. Darnell has published articles, and is the author of two books “Wings to Rise – Blacks, Leadership and the Assemblies of God” and “Set Up for a Break Through - Studies on the Life of Joseph.”

Family - He has been happily married since 1993 to Charlene Williams of Guyana, South America who serves with him in ministry. They are the proud parents of a son, Adrian who is in enrolled in Med School at the Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, Adrian.
