Chris White, Easter Region Director

Born in Indianapolis, IN, but I now consider Jacksonville, FL home. I have been married to Deirdre, for 35 years and together we have two adult children. We are fortunate that both of our children love the Lord and are actively engaged in ministry. Hobbies include cycling and photography.

For 25 years, I worked in Corporate America including with Procter & Gamble from 1986-2012. My management background includes engineering, development, and marketing experiences. I only left corporate for a call into ministry in March 2003, when the Lord spoke to me concerning ministry. Nine years later I retired early for full-time ministry. As an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God, in January 2020, I was the previous pastor of Freedom South, after transitioning this role, the Lord led me to become a Missionary Associate, (AGUSM), leading One Body United. As the founder One Body United, Inc. and a missionary under AGUSM we strive to transform Northwest Jacksonville. Our focus is John17:22-23, as we aim to unite the churches of the first coast in worship, in outreach and in local mission-focused initiatives in the first coast. We are also partnering with the AG Foster Care Network to change the life’s of vulnerable and foster children in our region.

Educational experience: Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from Tuskegee University, an MBA from University of Cincinnati and a master’s degree in financial economics from UNC. My ministerial preparation includes 5 years of local Bible College training at various schools, including Georgia School of Ministry. My ministerial preparation happened as we continued to move from city to city while working with Procter and Gamble. I am currently working on a Doctorate in Global Leadership @ Fuller Theological Seminary.

Recent Boards and Certifications: Campus Crusade for Christ; Beach CDD District Board; Chairing One Body United’s Board, and the National Black Fellowship. I am also a Certified Professional Photographer.