(AS AMENDED JULY 23, 2014)
The name shall be the National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God.
The National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God shall include but not limited to the United States of America.
The National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God is a voluntary cooperative Fellowship based on mutual agreements, voluntarily entered into by its members.
The National Black Fellowship exists for the purpose of exchanging information, facilitating evangelism, and the establishing of churches within its group and to be the vehicle to more effectively serve the constituency.
To Evangelize and assimilate Blacks and others in the States and Foreign Countries.
To provide spiritual renewal, especially to those who have fallen from the faith.
To provide fellowship among the members of the Fellowship.
To Train workers for the ministry of the gospel.
To plant new churches in cooperation with the various District Councils and of the Assemblies of God and U.S. Missions.
To assist Black and other churches in transition from District Status to General Council Status.
The National Black Fellowship adopts the Statement of Fundamental Truths adopted by the General Council of the Assemblies of God, USA.
Section 1. To the General Council and the Division of Home Missions
The National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God, as an integral part of the General Council of the Assemblies of God, a Non-Profit religious corporation with Headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, is subordinate and amendable to said General Council as prescribed in its Constitution and Bylaws. The Director of the Office of Ethnic Relations serves as liaison between the General Council and the Fellowship.
The Fellowship has a cooperative working relationship with the Assemblies of God U.S. Missions (AGUSM) in matters of mutual concern.
Section 2. Local Assemblies
The local Black and other Churches may become an integral part of the National Black Fellowship with privileges and responsibilities as prescribed in these Articles of Fellowship.
Section 1. Individual Members
All Ordained black and other Ministers Pastoring a predominantly black congregation (over 50% black) holding accredited fellowship certificates, also including those holding an accredited License to preach, Specialized Ministries License and Certificates of Ministry credentials from District Councils and those with local credentials from an Assemblies of God Church may be members of the National Black Fellowship.
Section 2. Congregational Members
All Black Congregations that are affiliated with the Assemblies of God may be members of the National Black Fellowship. Black Congregations are those congregations that are predominantly Black (over 50%)
Section 3 Voting Members
A. All Assemblies of God Credentialed Ministers as described in Section 1. who choose to belong to the National Black Fellowship shall have the privilege of voice and vote in the official business meeting of the Fellowship.
B. All Black congregations as described in Section 2. shall have the privilege of sending one voting delegate to the official business meeting of the Fellowship.
Section 1. Biennial Business meeting
There shall be a Biennial Business meeting of the Fellowship at which time the election of Officers shall take place as necessary and the reports of all officers shall be read. This meeting shall be held at a Biennial Conference or a special meeting called for that purpose. The time and place shall be announced by the Officers. Due notice shall be given by mail 30 days prior to the date of said meeting.
Section 2. Special Business meeting
Special business meetings of the Fellowship shall be called when necessary after proper notice has been given by the President or by the Secretary of the Fellowship provided the meeting has been agreed upon by a majority of the elected officers.
Special meetings may also be called by petition having been signed by not less than one third (1/3) of the active membership of the Fellowship. The Petition is to be placed in the hands of the President or Secretary and announcements made at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
Section 3. Quorum
All Officers and members who are present at any special or regular business meeting which has been duly called, provided these officers and members have paid their dues for the past two years. (see article X1 Finances) shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4. Order of Business
The regular order of business for the Biennial meeting of the fellowship shall be as follows:
Reading of the previous minutes by the Secretary
Reports of the
A. President
B. Vice President
C. TreasurerReports of Committees
Unfinished business
Election of Officers
New business
The officers of the Fellowship shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The elected Officers shall be Ordained Credential holders in good standing, of mature experience, sound judgment, recognized ability, and Christian character who have ministered in the Assemblies of God Fellowship immediately preceding their election and have been actively involved in the National Black Fellowship for at least one year. All Officers must be ratified by the Executive Presbytery.
Section 1. Elections
A. The President shall be elected to serve for four years. This person must be the lead pastor of a local church or an individual with a unique position, who may or may not be a lead pastor, that meets the following qualifications:
Must have support staff qualified to assist administratively with the agenda of the NBF;
Must consistently allocate the appropriate time and energy to the fellowship that demonstrates effectiveness and efficiency;
Must cast vision that is consistent with the purpose and intent of the fellowship according to the Constitution and Bylaws;
Must be able to work harmoniously with the Executive Board and lead the Board of Directors toward clear and definable goals.
Furthermore, when a current president elects to accept a position or role that will clearly jeopardize the mission and vision of the fellowship, said president will be required to vacate the office of president within 120 days of accepting the new role or position. The person shall be nominated by fellowship members by secret ballot at the Biennial meeting of the Fellowship or at a special meeting called for that purpose. A two-thirds majority of all votes cast shall constitute an election.
B. The Vice President shall be chosen from the Membership of the Fellowship. The person may be nominated from the floor and shall be elected by a majority vote at the Biennial business meeting. The Vice President term of office shall be for four years from the time of their election.
C. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected every four years. They shall be chosen from the membership of the fellowship and may be nominated from the floor and shall be elected by a majority vote at the Biennial business meeting. Their terms of office shall be for four years from the time of election.
D. If no elections have been determined after the second elective ballot, the three highest names shall be voted upon for the third elective ballot. If there is no election, the two highest names shall be voted upon until there is an election.
E. The President and the Secretary shall be voted upon in 2008 and every four years after that unless their offices become vacant then someone will be elected to serve the unexpired years. The Vice president and the Treasurer shall be voted upon in 2010 and every four years after that unless their offices become vacant then someone shall be elected to serve the unexpired years.
Section 2. Duties of Officers.
A. The President shall be considered the spiritual overseer of the Fellowship and shall direct all of its activities. This person shall be president of the Fellowship and shall act as Chairman of the business meetings of the Fellowship and as Convocation President and other National program affecting Black Ministries. This person shall be an Ex-Officio member of all committees or departments.
B. The Vice President is chosen to serve the Fellowship and therefore shall act in an advisory capacity with the President in all matters pertaining to the Fellowship in its spiritual life and in the ministry of its ordinances. The Vice President shall act as President in their absence.
C. The Secretary shall read the minutes of the Official meeting of the Fellowship at the Biennial and special business meetings of the Fellowship. The Secretary shall keep a record of the members of the Fellowship and perform other clerical functions necessary to the proper discharge of duties. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all legal documents, and be in possession of the Corporate seal (if the Fellowship becomes incorporated).
D. The Treasurer shall be entrusted with all finances of the Fellowship that may be committed to it. The Treasurer shall deposit all funds in a responsible bank in the name of the Fellowship and disburse the same by checks as authorized by the Fellowship Officers. The Treasurer shall make an itemized report biennially at the convention. The Treasurer shall issue monthly receipts for any contributions received that month. The accounts shall be audited under the direction of the elected officers.
E. The Elected Officers shall make up the National Executive Committee. They shall be authorized to carry on business between duly called meetings.
F. Board of Directors. The National Executive Committee together with the Regional Directors shall constitute the National Black Fellowship Board of Directors. The National Black Fellowship Board of Directors shall be chaired by the President. The Board shall provide for all the services of the Fellowship and shall arrange for all special meetings and conventions. The Board shall also serve as Director of Finance for the Fellowship and no person shall be invited to speak in the Fellowship without the Board's approval. The Board shall act in the examination of applicants for membership and set the agenda for business meetings and conferences. The Board will make recommendations pertaining to relevant issues to the Assemblies of God at the General Presbyters meeting through Fellowship representatives.
Section 3.
A. In compliance with Article IX Section 3, Paragraph F of the General Council Constitution. Each duly authorized Ethnic Fellowship shall have the privilege of representation on the General Presbytery by up to three members based upon the number of churches that self identify as Black churches on the ACMR, The President, Vice President and Secretary shall serve as General Presbyters. They shall take office 60 days subsequent to election in compliance with Article 11 Section 2 paragraph (D6) of the General Council Bylaws.
B. In the event that one of our Officers is already serving as a General Presbyter of their District then the Treasurer shall serve as another General Presbyter.
Section 4.
Any office shall be declared vacant by an act of the Board of Directors at any meeting of the Board of Directors. Grounds for such action shall be:
Unscriptural conduct
Doctrinal departure from the Tenants of Faith
Incompetence in Office
Unexcused failure to attend two consecutive meetings
(a) A contentious or non cooperative spirit. (b) An assumption of dictatorial authority over the Fellowship including its Regions.
Any Officer dismissed by the Board shall have the opportunity to appeal their case within twenty days to the Board. The Board and three members of the Fellowship selected by the Board shall conduct a hearing within sixty days of the appeal. If the decision is upheld, then the decision of the Board will stand and the Board will appoint someone to fill the office. If the decision of the Board is reversed, the Officer shall be reinstated. If any Office is dismissed by the Black Fellowship, this will not affect offices this person holds with the General Council.
If a vacancy in the Presidency shall occur, The Vice President shall act as President until a new one shall be chosen as described in Section 1. In case the Vice President cannot act as President, the Secretary may act as President. If the Secretary cannot act as President, then the Treasurer may act.
All funds for the operation of the Fellowship including Regions and other Auxiliaries shall be provided by dues, voluntary contributions and gifts of the members and friends of the Organization. Dues for individual and congregational members shall be determined at the Biennial meeting of the Fellowship at such times and in such ways as agreed upon by the President and other Officers and shall be administered by the Treasurer under the direction of the Fellowship Officers. (Luke 6:38, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8) Dues for individual Ministers should be at least $50.00 per year and at least $100.00 per year for churches.
Section 1. The following committees may serve the Fellowship: A. U.S. Missions and World Missions/Church Planting B. Christian Education C. Evangelism D. Youth E. Music/Fine Arts F. Finance G. Any other committee not previously mentioned
Section 2. The Chairperson and members of these Committees shall be appointed as necessary biennially by the Officers of the Fellowship.
Section 3. Other Committees shall be appointed as the need arises.
These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote, provided the members have been informed about the Amendments 30 days prior to the meeting. Amendments must be sent to the Office of Ethnic Relations in order to facilitate Executive Leadership Team and/or Executive Presbytery approval.
Section 1. Policy Statement
The Fellowship shall be divided into Fellowship Regions to promote inter-relational fellowship, unite regional activities, afford opportunity for fellowship and mutual counsel for the ministry of the Region. No Region is an entity by itself.
Section 2. Boundaries
The Boundaries of the National Black Fellowship Regions shall be set or changed by the Board of Directors as the need may arise.
Section 3. Organization
A. Regional Elections shall be held biennially during the National Conference. At that time the Regions shall hold their Biennial business meeting and the election of their officers and those Regional department representatives not ratified by the National Black Fellowship Board of Directors. A member of the Executive Officers shall officiate the regional caucuses.
B. Regional Directors: The Regional Director shall be ratified by the National Black Fellowship Conference in session. Each Region shall nominate a Regional Director by secret Ballot. The person shall be elected by a two-thirds majority vote at the Biennial National Conference. The Regional Director shall be ratified by the Biennial National Black Fellowship Conference in session.
C. Assistant Regional Director: The Assistant Director shall preside at the meetings of the Regional Fellowship in the absence of the Director. The Assistant Director shall represent the Regional Fellowship and the National Black Fellowship Board of Directors, in the absence of the Regional Director with the right to vote. The Assistant Director shall assist the Director in any other areas of work that may affect the Region. The Assistant Director shall be chosen by secret ballot and a two-thirds majority vote. The Assistant Director shall assume office immediately upon election.
D. Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer or the Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected biennially by a majority vote and assume office after 30 days.
E. Regional Committee Representatives: Each Regional Fellowship shall be represented by at least one but no more than two representatives from each Assembly of God District in that Region. The representative(s) will serve as the liaison person between the Regional Fellowship and local Districts. The Representatives along with the Regional Executive Committee will constitute the Regional Board of Directors. The Board Chairman will be the Regional Director, and the Assistant Chairman will be the Assistant Regional Director.
F. Privileges - Each Region shall have the right to govern itself and pass resolutions relating to various needs such as collecting dues, scheduling activities and Fellowship meetings etc. The Regional decisions shall be in keeping with the Constitution and Bylaws of the General Council, the Local District Councils of the Assemblies of God and the National Black Fellowship.